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army new promotion system

Army New Promotion System - They will spend the next three to four years implementing effective business development strategies. Efforts focus on transitioning from time-based policies and practices to action-based policies. In addition, the change ensures that sales and quality ... (Photo credit: USA) VIEW SOURCE

WASHINGTON — It's overhauling the development agency's operations to provide "the right person, in the right job, at the right time," according to G-1 officials.

Army New Promotion System

Army New Promotion System

They will spend the next three to four years implementing an effective skill-based training program, according to retired Sgt. Maj. Gerald Purcell, personnel policy coordinator for NCO career development and G-1.

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Efforts focus on transitioning from time-based policies and practices to action-based policies. Additionally, the change ensures that a qualified soldier will be the first to be eligible for promotion, Purcell said.

Soldiers in active duty units and those serving in the Guard regiment will be affected by the changes.

"This is the first major overhaul of the rank-and-file leaderboard in the 50 years we've been in business," said Sgt. Major and Dan Dailey. "We will see a lot of benefits with these changes, but the main thing is the impact on the organization."

He added, "We will retain NCOs with the skills and requirements to invest in the project by developing the right people at the right time."

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Purcell said that for the past two years, Sgt. Major Daniel A. Dailey has been trying to change the way the administration works.

"This change now rewards qualified Soldiers who are looking for advancement instead of advancing people based on seniority," Dailey said.

Since 1969, the agency has aimed to fill the ranks of qualified soldiers, provide guidelines for career development and attract and retain high-caliber personnel, according to personnel administration officials.

Army New Promotion System

Under the current system, HRC can "predict" the state of the force by predicting the number of soldiers leaving the military in all ranks and occupations — sometimes 24 months in advance, Purcell added.

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However, long-term expectations fail to be the best way to respond to emerging needs. He would have to wait for the next round of promotions to identify and hire additional staff, he said.

A reduction or change in force structure would result in more soldiers being promoted, Purcell added. Under the current system, if a Soldier was in good standing and recognized for promotion - defined by "P" and HRC - the force was to be promoted.

"From an organizational standpoint, we're creating a process that responds to the challenges that arise and prevents us from creating skills and inequities. It creates an environment where there's no promotion ... or pressure to single people out because they're who they are." "It's overkill," Purcell said.

The primary promotion system now creates an orderly list, or OML, that is used to select Soldiers for promotion. Purcell said the number of soldiers promoted was based largely on the annual projected rate.

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After a Soldier is selected for promotion, HRC will issue a serial number. Purcell said the Army will determine those numbers based on a soldier's experience — time in the ranks, length of service and date of birth.

"If the best candidate happens to be a list of 400 out of 500, based on time and level - that doesn't value and recognize talent," he said.

The transition to the new promotion system begins this fiscal year, with the Sergeant Promotion Board, he added, changing the way numbers track updates from the OML level.

Army New Promotion System

Eventually, under the reformed system, which will conduct annual NCO reviews and maintain OML at every rank and career in the military, Purcell said the OML will no longer be used to create annual promotion lists.

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Instead, the OML will evaluate the effort and determine which Soldiers are "capable" of promotion. From there, it will use a system based on the OML order sequence.

"The vast majority of NCOs, in fact, have the potential to be promoted," Purcell said. “Fully exclusive is a retention method – not a promotion.

"I can have an OML of a thousand people and 990 can be fully certified," he added. "A request for promotion may be 40. In this case, the best 40 entries...will be recognized for promotion."

Purcell said he will also be able to manage his talent, then improve skills and develop leadership at all NCO levels. In addition, he will use OML to inform role decisions, such as critical development and career development opportunities.

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Also, Soldiers will have access to OML for rank, career development and MOS through the Career Tracker website, Purcell said. The change will be available in the coming months.

"It's going to be a private network and it's automatically secure and no one else will have access to it," Purcell said. "Soldiers can go to Career Tracker and they can share that information with a counselor or manager if they want, but it's not necessary."

On the other hand, if Soldiers are not performing well and are not able to meet the requirements of the honor level, the upgrade program will give them a warning, Purcell said.

Army New Promotion System

The first time a Soldier fails to meet the full requirements, the HRC will advise them that their continued employment may be suspended.

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Once a soldier has been found "unqualified" by the board for the second time in the same rank, he is then denied continued service. It will establish a legal separation, six months into the future.

Purcell said that if a soldier is allowed to retire, they will be allowed to retire. If he is not eligible for retirement, he will choose to separate the Soldier involuntarily.

"There's room for everyone when you're playing," he said. "Where it appears that you are not contributing to the team and you are deducting wages, then we will notify you that your service is in jeopardy. If it continues… then we will tell you your tenure. This sets the stage for a permanent termination of probation."

Planned in the 2021 budget, it would establish a 90-day promotion period for NCO promotions at all ranks, from sergeant to sergeant, and implement a monthly selection process.

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If a soldier qualifies for a promotion after completing professional military training — and is in good standing with them — they can track quarterly promotion windows through the HRC website. Based on their OML position, the Soldier can then calculate their promotion date.

Also, HRC plans to announce the names of all Soldiers selected for promotion on the 15th of each month, with a "promotion date" on the first of the following month, Purcell said. The 15th announcement will give Soldiers two weeks to notify of their promotion.

"In the past, when a Soldier was selected, they would be 'promoted,' given a serial number and wait to be promoted," he said. "Now, a soldier's promotion will be based on his position in the OML and his needs."

Army New Promotion System

In the past, some Soldiers did not complete the online course before the board was installed. Currently, there is a partial policy of withholding promotion to the ranks of specialists and sergeants who fail to complete this mandatory DLC training, he said.

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In the next three years, it is expected to implement the central reform plan. Here is a list of things we hope to achieve:

- moves away from the annual selection system and implements a monthly selection system for NCO ranks.

- Started a separation program for soldiers who fail to get "full training" a second time at the same level.

"If you're good at what you do, we'll promote you," Purcell said. "Everything is expected of everyone doing what they're supposed to do - leaders and soldiers alike. We're trying to create an environment that facilitates all of that." Paratroopers from the 173rd Airborne Brigade prepare to board CH-47 helicopters at Grafenwoehr Training Ground, Germany, Aug. 10, 2020. (Gertrud Zach/Army)

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The military has been on the rise since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, last-minute force reductions requested in the latest budget, the global war on terror, the need for better soldiers, the introduction of military regulations, and new competition. and selection processes for key management positions.

These factors are one of the reasons why the promotion process can be slow and slow for some enlisted soldiers. But the Army says that's the result of a new talent management approach that focuses on getting the right Soldier to the right job at the right time.

To get the full picture, The Times reviewed and compared promotion data over the years, researched military policy and spoke to officials.

Army New Promotion System

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