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washington state assault rifle training

Washington State Assault Rifle Training - SPOKANE, Wash. - New restrictions on the purchase of a semi-automatic handgun in Washington state will go into effect on Monday, July 1st.

Nearly 60 percent of Washington voters passed I-1639, a broad gun reform initiative, during the November election. Some provisions of the law took effect in January, with others scheduled to take effect on July 1.

Washington State Assault Rifle Training

Washington State Assault Rifle Training

On January 1, a new law made it illegal for a person younger than 21 to buy a semi-automatic assault rifle in Washington state, among other provisions. The law also prohibits gun sales to out-of-state residents.

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In November, a Spokane gun dealer and a member of the Army Reserve were among five Washington residents who announced a lawsuit against the state on I-1639.

Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson said the law is still considered constitutional and enforceable unless a court rules otherwise. He added that non-compliance with the law could result in criminal or civil liability.

Some law enforcement personnel in Washington state have said they will not enforce the law since it passed. The sheriffs who say they won't enforce the law live in Grant, Benton, Stevens and Clickitat counties, to name a few.

Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich called I-1639 unconstitutional but said other sheriffs are "grandstanding" by not supporting it. He said "there is nothing for us [sheriffs] to enforce."

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The Washington Attorney General's website provides a breakdown explaining the discretion available to police chiefs and sheriffs in law enforcement.

Police chiefs and sheriffs are required by law to conduct an enhanced background check on any person attempting to purchase a semi-automatic handgun.

If a sheriff or police chief refuses to perform an enhanced background check, they can be held liable if there is a sale or transfer of a firearm to an individual who is prohibited from owning it and the person uses the firearm to cause harm.

Washington State Assault Rifle Training

In this case, the taxpayers of the city or county will assume the financial risk of the police chief or the sheriff's decision.

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Firearm sales, and the sale or transfer of a gun, are subject to enhanced background checks prior to the issuance of I-1639. However, starting July 1, semi-automatic assault rifles are also subject to background checks.

This means that the chief of police or sheriff must give written notice to the seller if the buyer is eligible to own a semi-automatic handgun and if the purchase application is approved.

When I-1639 was passed, many people expressed concern about the "safe gun storage" section of the initiative. Many law enforcement personnel say that the section is vague, because it does not have to be carried in a particular place or manner.

It states that a gun owner can face a felony or misdemeanor charge of "endangering the community due to unsafe storage" if their gun ends up in the wrong hands and is used to commit a crime or otherwise threaten the safety of others.

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If a person's firearm is stolen and used in a crime, they are not responsible for reporting it as stolen.

"Secure gun storage" is defined under I-1639 as a "locked box, gun safe, or other secure locked storage space designed to prevent the unauthorized use or discharge of a firearm."

Beginning July 1, firearms dealers are required to offer for sale or provide purchasers with a gun safe storage or trigger lock. Sellers who fail to do so may be subject to a civil infraction.

Washington State Assault Rifle Training

The firearm safety training requirement applies only to the purchase of semi-automatic rifles purchased after July 1, 2019. It does not apply to other types of firearms.

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A seller must now provide proof that a buyer has completed a recognized firearm safety training program within the past five years.

The training must be sponsored by a federal, state, county or municipal law enforcement agency, a college or university, a nationally recognized organization or a certified firearms training school. Required to complete a course and/or training covering six specific aspects of the law before purchasing a semi-automatic rifle. Although we felt it was poorly thought out, written and implemented, the law became effective on July 1, 2019.

In response, we have created a course that satisfies the minimum requirements of the I-1639 Act. At the end of the course, you must fill out and print a form and sign it - this is your certificate of completion. And that's it.

In fact, you are not required to show evidence of training by law, only to state (under penalty of perjury) that you have received the training. However, Sporting Systems is a firm believer in proper training, safety and storage of your firearms. Should Exercising Your Second Amendment Rights Be Mandatory? Certainly not.

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But we are there. So complete the course, fill out the form, sign it and you're good to go for the next five years. The Licensing Department and local law enforcement are not authorized under the law to request, copy or maintain these records, so make a copy of your certification for assault rifle purchase purposes and keep the original safe.

The free I-1639 training essentially provides enough information to make it legal for you to purchase an automatic rifle. As required by RCW, the training includes basic firearm safety, discussing firearms with your children, suicide prevention and more. An important section covers the penalties for "impassable" storage of your firearms.

We make training better, actually, by providing other information that is more valuable to gun owners than the bill. Videos on the history of the Second Amendment (and popular myths promoted by the anti-gun crowd), how to evaluate gun laws and how to contact lawmakers, and how to talk to those who don't share our views on owning a gun gun

Washington State Assault Rifle Training

We recommend this funny (even if the subject matter isn't really funny) send-up of the hangover movies. It deals with what you can or cannot buy before and after the training. Produced by Sporting Systems, the video covers guns you already own, age requirements and in-state purchases.

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While the destruction of our Second Amendment rights is never funny, we hope this parody answers some of your questions and gives you the information you need to follow the law. As many law enforcement personnel will tell you, I-1639 is a toothless, benign bill that is mostly unenforceable, but it makes some anti-gun types feel better.

To help fight bills similar to I-1639, consider donating to the 1639 Legal Defense Fund on GoFundMe. For more information on the I-1639, or to discuss our catalog of pistols, rifles, suppressors and accessories, feel free to contact us. And don't stop fighting for your rights!

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