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was jayme closs physically assaulted

Was Jayme Closs Physically Assaulted - The murder ended on January 10 months after Jayme Closs, 13, who went missing for three months after her parents were killed, escaped from her captor. (Video: Allie Caren, Adriana Usero/The Washington Post)

BARRON, Wis. — He shaved his head and face, threw his father's gun and 12 gauge shells to leave no trace. He changed his car's license plates to a set he had stolen, pulling a light cord from the trunk which allowed people to open it from the inside.

Was Jayme Closs Physically Assaulted

Was Jayme Closs Physically Assaulted

And he showed up at a house in rural Wisconsin wearing a black coat and balaclava with one goal: to kidnap a 13-year-old girl whose name he didn't know.

Jayme Closs Update: Grandfather Says Wisconsin Girl Found After Kidnap Doesn't Know Suspect Jake Thomas Patterson

Prosecutors detailed the steps Jake Patterson says he took when he planned Jayme Closs' kidnapping last year — an act planned after Patterson saw the girl at a bus stop — in a criminal complaint released Monday.

The release coincided with Patterson's first court appearance, where he was seen on video in an orange jumpsuit at the county jail, nodding his head affirmatively and saying "Yes, sir, " with the judge's questions. He appeared to be motionless as the charges against him were read out. Judge James C. Babler set Patterson's bail at $5 million.

Jayme's relatives remained silent throughout, and spoke quietly to each other before and after the hearing. They quickly left the courtroom at the end of the trial. Patterson's brother and father left the courtroom with their heads bowed. His father's hands were folded together, and he was wearing a gray suit. He looked tired. When one reporter asked Patterson's father simply, "Did you know?" He kept bowing his head and shaking his head slightly from side to side indicating "no."

The case, which has followed this small corner of Wisconsin for many months, was revealed with surprising speed last week after Jayme escaped from Patterson's home. For nearly three months, the 21-year-old stalked, ambushed and taped his family in their home after he shot and killed his parents, officials said. Residents joined law enforcement in a month-long search for the girl.

Jayme Closs' Relatives Share How They're Helping The Teen Heal

But prosecutors refused to answer some key questions about the case, in the complaint and at a press conference after appearing in court Monday afternoon. They have not clarified why Patterson kidnapped Jayme, saying that he "knew that was the girl he was going to take," after he saw her at the bus stop.

Patterson was charged in Barron County, where the Closs family home is located. Jayme is being held in Gordon, about 65 miles north, where prosecutors say more charges could emerge, though they declined to answer questions about whether she was sexually assaulted or provide other details.

They detail Patterson's meticulous preparation and brutal execution of the crimes, stemming from two days of work he did at the Saputo Cheese Factory last year, prosecutors said.

Was Jayme Closs Physically Assaulted

On one of the two mornings he worked at the factory, he was standing behind a school bus and saw Jayme walking by, the complaint said. "The defendant said when he saw J.L.C., he knew he was going to take that girl."

Jayme Closs Update: Suspect Jake Patterson Accused Of Kidnapping Wisconsin Girl, Murdering Her Parents

That day or the next day, he bought a black mask at Walmart, the complaint said. He drove past his house in Convent twice, but was surprised by the number of cars on the road.

On one of those trips, he stole a license plate from another car to put on his red Ford Taurus. He took out the car light so that it would not be on when he got in or out of the car. And it came with his father's Mossberg pump-action rifle, the model chosen for both killing and general purpose: That way, the gun would be difficult to track, prosecutors said.

He turned on the lights as he approached the house in Clocher, parked at the end of the road. He told police he believed James Closs, Jayme's 56-year-old father, was turning on the lights outside. He went to the front door, and opened the storm door. Closs looked through the glass part of the front door, asking Patterson to show him his badge, thinking the man at his front door with a gun was law enforcement.

Patterson pointed the gun at Closs's head and pulled the trigger, he told police. He shot the doorknob and broke into the house, leaving behind Closs' body, the police said.

Inside Jayme Closs' Escape And Rescue

Inside the house, he looked at a locked door, kicked it about a dozen times until it opened, the complaint said. The shower curtain was closed; he tore it up and threw it on the floor, finding Jayme and his mother, Denise, 46, in the bathtub. Denise had her arms wrapped around Jayme.

He tied Jayme's wrists and ankles with tape and pulled her out of the tub, and shot Denise when she started to turn her back, according to the complaint. He pulled Jayme into the car and put her in the trunk, locked it and drove off. He told deputies he was no more than 20 seconds from the house when police cars called him with their emergency lights and sirens, Denise's 911 call said.

The girl told police Patterson would hide her under her double bed, stacking bags, laundry bins and bells so he could hear or see if she moved. Police said he told them that "Patterson made it clear that no one knew he was there or that bad things would happen to him." The guests reportedly came to his house while he was under the bed, the complaint said.

Was Jayme Closs Physically Assaulted

And he made her stay under the bed when she left the house, sometimes for up to 12 hours without food, water or a place to wash, the complaint said. He once hit her with a hard household object when she provoked him, threatening that the punishment would be worse if it happened again.

Jayme Closs Kidnapping Suspect Jake Patterson Faces Judge

On Jan. 10, Patterson told her he would be leaving the house for five to six hours, the complaint says, which would make her go to bed beforehand. But after he left, Jayme removed the bins and bars, put on his shoes, went outside and walked down the street until he found a woman walking her dog. Jeanne Nutter told police that Jayme told her his name when they met. "I don't know where I am," said the sad girl. "He killed my parents." And, "please help - I want to go home."

The woman took him to a nearby house, where she called 911; Jayme told police that Patterson killed her parents. Police saw a red car in the area driven by a man alone. They stopped the car near Patterson's house, and asked the man to get out of the car and raise his hands.

"It's unbelievable," said Barron County District Attorney Brian H. Wright. “He's 13 years old, and if you read the criminal complaint, you can see how controlled he was. And at one point, he found it within him, when he was 13 years old, to say, 'I'm going to get myself out of this situation.' It's amazing." Jake Thomas Patterson saw a 13-year-old girl turn red once, get on a school bus parked in front of a house on Highway 8 outside Barron, Wisconsin, temporarily stopping his own car. The that morning, Patterson, 21, was on his way to his new job at the Saputo Cheese Factory near Almena, but stopped after just two days in favor of a new plan. He didn't know her name or anyone else. who lived in the house, but according to a criminal complaint detailing his confession to police detectives, Patterson knew Jayme Closs "was the girl he was going to get."

Patterson was charged with two counts of first-degree murder for the Oct. 15, 2018, murder of Closs' parents, James and Denise, armed robbery, and kidnapping, following an afternoon court appearance. Nearly three months after Jayme's disappearance left local law enforcement and the FBI scratching their heads, her nightmare ended Jan. 10, when the teenager escaped from Patterson's home in Gordon, 70 miles from Barron, and helped police identify her. and he was arrested less than 30 minutes later.

Horrifying Details Released In Kidnapping Of Jayme Closs

Speaking to the media on Friday, January 11, Barron County Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald confirmed that Jayme is safe and Patterson is in police custody, but had little information to share beyond the scant details gleaned from the nearly three-month investigation. Before Patterson was arraigned this afternoon, however, Barron County prosecutors released a 12-page criminal complaint containing Jayme's account of her parents' murders, much to her horror.

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