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› Blog › Transcript › Joe Biden Transcript › August 6 Joe Biden Interview Transcript: Comparing Black and Latino Diversity and Face Criticism

Biden Interview Mental

Biden Interview Mental

Joe Biden participated in an interview with the National Association of Black Journalists and the National Association of Hispanic Journalists that aired on August 6. Biden faced criticism in an interview for comparing diversity in the Latino and black communities. He talks about his mental fitness, health, immigration and more. Read the full interview transcript here.

Transcript Of Ap Interview With President Joe Biden

Streaming today from the National Association of Black Journalists and the National Association of Hispanic Journalists are interviews with 2020 Democratic presidential candidate and former vice president Joe Biden.

Everyone knows who Donald Trump is and we need to let them know who we are and what we stand for.

On the interview panel: two-time writer and Mexico border reporter for the Dallas Morning News, Alfredo Corcedo; Washington Correspondent for the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Tia Mitchell; former foreign correspondent and host of NPR's Weekend Edition, Lulu Garcia-Navarro; and BPS National Correspondent Errol Barnett.

Since there's obviously a question on everyone's mind, I'm sure you know what it is. Did you vote for the vice president and who was he?

Joe Biden Interview Transcript August 6: Compares Black And Latino Diversity & Faces Criticism

Do you know who he is? That is, there are 11 names that are circulating. There is criticism on your part that the process is messy. It was pulled out. How many women are on the shortlist exactly?

Well, first of all, if they think this is happening, they haven't seen another vice presidential election in history. It's actually ahead of its time, to be honest. Note that most vice presidential candidates are not announced until one, two or three days before the convention. I passed it. It was very neat. Every one of the women we interviewed is qualified. I have narrowed down, and I will be ready to do it

Mr. Vice President, you have been through this before, the vetting process, speculation, but someone in your VP selection committee, former Senator Chris Dodd, criticized some contenders like Senator Kamala Harris for not being more conciliatory since he left. You and Ethan during the discussion. He said this was the reason for canceling him. Is that fair?

Biden Interview Mental

No. Well, he didn't say that to the press. He was talking to someone offline and it happened again. Now I don't hold grudges. I made it very clear that I hold no grudges. I think that's the argument. As simple as that, and he is very argumentative.

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Now on the first day of your presidency, if we listen to scientists and doctors, as you say, you are expected to start your presidency in the middle of this epidemic. What are the chances of a return on the first day of business reopening that we see all over the country?

That's a good question, but it's not fair, because I don't know what this president will leave behind. If he behaves responsibly, which he hasn't so far, if he behaves responsibly I could be in a position where we don't have to go back. But if he continues to walk away, wave the white flag and say go ahead and listen to some idiot tell him that what we have to do and you can cause COVID-19 en masse, the whole point is that he should be. more responsibility. It depends on what I have inherited to determine what I can do and say and what to say on the day I take the oath, if that happens.

I'm sorry, if I were president today, I would roll back the reopening in some places because, look, it's clear that masks and social distancing make a difference in terms of the spread of this disease. It's simple, it's factual, it's real. Everyone should be required, if there is a significant percentage of people with COVID to maintain social distance and masks. The bar doesn't have to be open. There should not be a community of more than 10 people. We must have a situation where, in fact, we exercise responsibility, including in the workplace where people, where they can enter and continue to work in terms of social distancing tests and so on. He did nothing. None of this is part of what he offers.

I detailed what I would do in January when it first came out. Then I did it again in March, talking about how I would ask the Defense Act to require a significant stockpile of PPE. I will also make sure that we don't fire the inspector general who determines the allocation of money appropriated by Congress so that the inspector general knows where the money is going. I detailed what I thought he should do about OSHA and the standards needed to open a business. I explained everything, and he didn't follow anything.

President Joe Biden: The 2022 60 Minutes Interview Transcript

How often do you get briefings on the outbreak and who is responsible for updating you on what is happening?

Four times a week, one hour a day. I just went through the 87-page memo with my staff, including Vivek Murthy, who you know, and another doctor, the former head of the CDC who is part of the whole team that I have, which we put together and went through at least four. times a week. I spent an hour and a half on the phone today. I mean, I'm sorry, for what we're doing now, on camera.

Based on what you have heard, many are concerned about school, do you think children should be in private school while waiting for a vaccine to be developed?

Biden Interview Mental

The answer depends. Look, I want our school open. The question is, will the president do the work he needs to do to make them safe? Just ordering your schools open, like Trump, won't be enough.

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I am publishing a road map to open a safe and effective school. First, reduce cases in the community through social distancing, masking, testing, tracing and PPE. Second, give school districts uniform guidance without political interference in safety protocols, including ventilation, physical changes in efficient and safe classrooms. Third, give the district the resources to implement the guidelines. Research shows we need $34 billion to make schools safe nationwide. For schools that cannot reopen safely, help them improve virtual learning. Start working now to close the learning gap in terms of distance learning due to COVID. President Trump needs to stop tweeting and start doing his job.

What makes people feel safe to go back to work and school is vaccination. A recent CBS News poll, UGOV found that about 70% of Americans would either wait to get the vaccine and see what happens to other people or not get the vaccine at all. This is a large part of the population. How then are you going to make sure that every American gets the vaccine as soon as possible if they don't believe this?

Tell the truth. Listen to the science. State explicitly which vaccine comes first. Make it open to review by any medical facility in the country, and make it clear that it's actually safe, instead of what Trump says. He talked about all these different vaccines. They will be ready to go, and so on and so forth.

Earlier I explained what constitutes a business that can be reopened. When I say that, I say that we have to have a situation where they can meet all the criteria recommended by the CDC and others and can put a sticker in their window that says, like a good housekeeping seal, "You can come in because We check, we stay away , we all do the same thing."

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The fact is that the way he talks about vaccines is not rational at all. He says it is ready. He was going to talk about moving it faster than scientists thought it should be moved. It's important to let people know that everything is transparent, exactly what the facts are. Let the larger medical community talk about it so there is transparency. Look, I think people will do that, as the survey shows and we do

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